Wednesday, May 30, 2012

I read a posting on facebook about unconditional love with a comment asking why it was parents never received any gratitude for the job they do....
Parents don't receive gratitude because they are in the business of 'child management' and generally, kids would prefer to manage themselves. It's not until adulthood that we actually reflect on how self-sacrificing our parents were - usually after we become parents ourselves. The parental effort invested in our children is simply not a two-way street and that's okay because we do it in order to give the absolute best start to our kids, not for gratitude.
As for 'unconditional' love, sadly some parents mistakenly interpret this to mean love without conditions in regard to their child's behaviour. Certainly, children need to feel secure in the knowledge that their parents will always love and be there for them but its how we show this that matters. 
When parents instill important values and get alongside and encourage their kids, they equip them with the tools needed to build a healthy life. Attributes like self-control, self-reliance, perseverance, tolerance and co-operation don't just come naturally. 
Raising children to be healthy, happy adults is the hardest job in the world. Fortunately today there are loads of resources that can assist in this regard and I would encourage any young parent to take advantage of the expert advice which, for those with internet access, may only be a click away. 
Clearly this is my first posting and I have a long way to go as far as getting things organised with content, links etc. Please bare with me and I would be more than happy to receive any advice or comments. 
Best regards

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